Hello Everyone. I know all of you into stress looking at the chart. This was bug at CMC end and we have reported them.

20 Jan 2022, 05:59
Hello Everyone I know all of you into stress looking at the chart. This was bug at CMC end and we have reported them. You have doubts on total supply also. Here are the answer to your questions. The main contract is ERC20. Polygon and BSC contracts are only bridged contracts. That means whatever supply on these contracts is minus main contract. Secured by Anyswap protocol. we have Polygon contract in place because NFTs will be available on Polygon because of low gas fee and BSC is because of its high traffic in nature. Dont worry about the prices. Building contracts, marketing, creating hype is few weeks job for team like us. We have put more than a year to build this project and we launched it with ready product not on concept stage. Give it sometime. Always remember if core product is perfect than charts are temporary issues. We are here to build a community and deliver something valuable in NFT snd Metaverse space. We will set the bar in Metaverse space.